At St. Joseph’s we believe that Oracy is the fundamental key to achieve success.
What is Oracy?
Oracy is the ability to articulate ideas, develop understanding and engage with others through spoken language. Oracy is a powerful tool for learning as it enables children to become effective speakers and listeners. It empowers them better understand themselves, each other and the world around them.
It has become a vital part of our curriculum at St Joseph's. From Nursery to Year 6, children build upon key areas which encourage them to be better communicators. These include Physical, Linguistic, Cognitive and Social & Emotional skills. Children engage in oracy activities throughout their learning, be it in answering questions in full sentences, participating in small class discussions, developing vocabulary, presenting work in class and participating in assemblies.
Pupil Voice
" Oracy helps me to stand up and speak in front of people, share ideas and get comments on them"
Year 3 Pupil
"Oracy helps us so we know better words and we learn more."
Year 4 Pupil
"I like when we talk as a group and we hear other people's opinions. Oracy helps you to be respectful when talking to someone."
Year 5 Pupil