We are part of the Plymouth CAST family of schools. We are a Catholic school welcoming children of all faiths to learn and grow with us. The education and wellbeing of our children is at the heart of everything we do. Our Gospel Values of humility, compassion, kindness, justice, forgiveness, integrity, peace and courage are integral to our whole school community. We inspire all our children to do their best, be their best and have respect for themselves, others and the world we live in. Choosing a school for your child is really important for any parent or carer. If you would like to find out more about our school you are welcome to visit us to meet our wonderful staff and pupils. Please email admin@stjo.uk or phone 01395 264875 to book an appointment. We look forward to seeing you.

School Dinner Menu

Please see below for our dinner menus.
Lunches must be ordered on ParentPay by 8am on the day required.
Reception, year 1 and year 2 children receive free school meals. 
Children in Reception and Yr 1 and 2 also receive a free fruit snack each day.
Some Yr 3-6 children are entitled to receive free school meals and fruit. This is based on parental income and decided by the government. It is called being in receipt of Pupil Premium.
Please see the office for more information.
At St Joseph's we promote a healthy lifestyle.
If you are sending your child in with a snack it must be fruit.
Packed lunches should consist of healthy foods with only one chocolate or crisp treat.
Every child should have a fresh bottle of water with them each day. We encourage the children to access this throughout the day and we provide water stations around school so they can top up their water bottles whenever necessary.