At St Joseph's staff and children pride themselves on looking smart. Children are proud of their school uniform and the way it demonstrates they are part of our school community.
Our school uniform consists of:
- White polo shirt
- Green jumper or cardigan with the school logo
- Grey trousers, shorts, skirt or pinafore
- Black 'school shoes' (not trainers or boots)
- Socks or tights should be plain black, grey or white
- Summer term - Green Gingham dresses
Hair should be tied back if it is below shoulder length. Smart green, black, white or similar hair clips and bobbles are appreciated rather than elaborate hair accessories.
PE kit consists of:
Green t-shirt with the school logo
Black or navy shorts
Black or navy jogging bottoms
For health and safety reasons if the children do not have the correct PE kit in school they may not be able to take part in PE activities.
If your child has their ears pierced only small studs are allowed and these need to be removed or taped over for PE sessions.
If for some reason your child does not have/cannot wear the correct uniform on a particular day e.g. their shoes have broken, please write a note explaining this to the class teacher.
School uniform with the logo is available to order from ShipShapePromo. All othewr uniform can be purchased from shops such as Tesco, Sainsbury's etc
Click on the ShipShapes logo below to visit their website and place your order.
The PTA sell second hand school usually at roughly £1 per item. Please see the school office for more information.
For anyone in financial difficulties who needs support buying uniform please see the Headteacher as there is support available.